Grants News
Government grants up to $500,000 for manufacturing in the NT
Up to $500,000 for manufacturing projects in the Northern Territory
Up to $40,000 grant funding for WA regional tourism events
Up to $40,000 per annum for regional WA tourism events, including allocated funding to deliver Aboriginal activities and experiences.
Up to $25,000 grant funding for SMEs in the Gascoyne and Pilbara
Up to $25,000 in grants for SME’s in the Gascoyne and Pilbara to prepare for the Total Solar Eclipse in April 2023
Up to $50,000 grant funding for WA SMEs to improve capability and capacity to supply major projects
Up to $50,000 in grant funding to support WA SME’s to increase capacity and capability to bid for major civil and infrastructure projects..
WA Aboriginal Business Funding round - up to $50,000 grants
Up to $50,000 in grant funding to support WA Aboriginal Businesses to increase capacity, capability and competitiveness as suppliers of products, services and works to local, national and international markets.
Up to $1 million in grant funding for recycling projects in Victoria - Closing Soon
Up to $1 million in grant funding for Victorian projects which help to avoid waste, use materials more efficiently and create new jobs in Victoria.
Australian Medical Research Grant Funding up to $10 million
Up to $10 million in grant funding for Medical Research programs.
Up to $50,000 grant funding to help WA businesses secure Government and other contracts
Up to $50,000 in grant funding to improve the capacity and capability of WA SME’s to secure major government and non-government infrastructure contracts.
Grants up to $400,000 for new uses for recycled materials
The Victorian Recycling Victoria Markets Acceleration Fund is offering grants from between $30,000 and $400,000, on a 50:50 cash co-contribution basis to develop and commercialise new uses for recycled materials.
WA Small Business Hardship Grants
Eligible WA SME’s can apply for up to $50,000 in hardship payments.