Grants News

Anne Furey Anne Furey

Up to $500,000 grants to assist SME manufacturers in Victoria

The Victorian Government are offering up to $500,000 to support manufacturers to expand operations and implement new manufacturing technologies and processes, as well as prototype, evaluation and testing go new products and supply chain capability development.

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Anne Furey Anne Furey

Grant funding to help solve government regulatory technology challenges.

The Government are seeking applications to help address regulatory challenges.

The funding round is focussed on regulatory technology which uses digital technologies to streamline or enhance compliance for business, individuals and administration for government.

Up to $100,000 in grants are being offered for feasibility studies, and successful feasibility applicants may be offered up to $1 million for PoC.

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Anne Furey Anne Furey

Government Grants up to $20 million for recycling and clean energy manufacturing

The Australian Government are offering grants up to $20 million on a 50:50 co-contribution basis to support Australian manufacturers in the recycling and clean energy priority sector to help build scale and capture income in high-value areas of manufacturing where Australia either has established competitive strength or emerging priorities. The program aims to help Australian manufacturers to scale-up, build resilience, compete internationally and create jobs.

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Anne Furey Anne Furey

Up to $20 million in Government Grant funding for Defence manufacturing

The Australian Government are offering grants up to $20 million on a 50:50 co-contribution basis to support Australian manufacturers in the Defence sector to translate research into commercial outcomes, support scale up and increase competitiveness, and increase capacity and capability to access domestic and international value chains to support businesses to propel their goods and services into new markets.

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Anne Furey Anne Furey

Government Grant’s up to $20 million for food and beverage manufacturers

The Australian Government are offering grants up to $20 million on a 50:50 co-contribution basis to support Australian food and beverage businesses ito translate research into commercial outcomes, support scale up and increase competitiveness, and increase capacity and capability to access domestic and international value chains to support businesses to propel their goods and services into new markets.

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