Up to $30 million to support sustainable aviation fuel development

The Australian Government have announced an allocation of up to $30 million toward the development of a Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) industry with production from Renewable Feedstocks in Australia.

Renewable feedstocks must be of a biogenic origin and of a replenishable nature. Feedstocks that are predominantly of fossil origin such as products of crude oil are considered non-renewable and are ineligible for funding under the SAF Funding Initiative.

Eligible project activities should contribute to one or more of the program outcomes:

  • Advance the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and commercial readiness index (CRI) of SAF technologies for at-scale deployment (excluding activities that include research components between TRL 1-3).

  • Facilitate a pathway to the technical and commercial viability of producing SAF from Renewable Feedstocks in Australia.

  • Build industry capacity in the production of SAF from Renewable Feedstocks in Australia.

Eligible activities may include:

  • Commercial or pre-commercial scale engineering feasibility, front-end-engineering-design (FEED) studies or other project development activiites.

  • Pilot-scale or pre-commercial demonstrations of novel technologies that have a demonstrable pathway to produce SAF.

  • Demonstration of novel and scalable approaches to establishing the supply chain required in a future SAF industry.

ARENA are holding a public information session on Monday 17 July at 12:00PM (AEST). To register your interest in participating in the information session click HERE.

More detail on the SAF Funding Initiative, including the application process, can be found HERE.


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