Up to $50 million grant funding for Carbon Capture and Use Hubs

As part of the Carbon Capture, Use and Storage (CCUS) Hubs and Technologies program, the Australian Government have allocated $100 million to the Hubs stream to support projects focussed on the design and construction of shared CCUS infrastructure between co-located emitters and viable CO2 storage sites.

Eligible applicants can apply for grants of between $5 million and $50 million, on a 50:50 co-contribution basis, to deliver projects which address the program objectives and outcomes, and which meet the assessment criteria.

Eligible applicants must have an ABN, be non-tax exempt and be registered for GST, and must be one of the following entities::

  • An entity incorporated in Australia and a trading corporation (trading or financial activities must form a significant proportion of the entities overall activiites)

  • A foreign corporation

  • An incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust where the trustee is also a trading financial or foreign corporation

  • An Australian State or Territory Government agency or body

  • An authority of the Commonwealth such as the CSIRO

Eligible activities may include:

  • establishing hub infrastructure directly related to compression, transport and storage of CO2

  • geological surveys and assessments, including well appraisals

  • process design and engineering, including feasibility studies for developing a CCUS hub

  • constructing, installing and commissioning of CCUS hub equipment and software

  • monitoring the performance of the CO2 supply, and reliability and quality of CCUS hub infrastructure

  • consultation and planning, including community, industry, government and research engagement

  • other activities may also be eligible

Applications close on 8 November 20201, at 5PM (ACT local time). More information and the grant application documents can be found here.


Grants up to $3 million for industry led collaborative projects


Up to $30 million grant funding for Carbon Capture and Use Technologies