Up to $30 million grant funding for Carbon Capture and Use Technologies

As part of the Carbon Capture, Use and Storage (CCUS) Hubs and Technologies program, the Australian Government have allocated $150 million to the Technologies stream to support innovative advancements and deployment of CCUS technologies.

Eligible applicants can apply for grants of between $1 million and $30 million, on a 50:50 co-contribution basis, to deliver projects which address at least one of the following three focus areas:

  1. Researching, developing or commercialising carbon capture and storage technologies

  2. Researching, developing or commercialising CO2 utilisation technologies

  3. Feasibility and geological studies into new potential CO2 storage locations

Eligible applicants must have an ABN, be non-tax exempt and be registered for GST, and must be one of the following entities::

  • An entity incorporated in Australia and a trading corporation (trading or financial activities must form a significant proportion of the entities overall activiites)

  • A foreign corporation

  • An incorporated trustee on behalf of a trust where the trustee is also a trading financial or foreign corporation

  • An Australian State or Territory Government agency or body

  • An authority of the Commonwealth such as the CSIRO

Eligible activities may include:

  • geological studies and assessments, including well appraisals

  • constructing, installing and commissioning of CCUS equipment and software

  • process design and engineering, including feasibility studies

  • monitoring the performance of the CO2 supply, and the reliability and quality of the CCUS assets

  • transformation of CO2 to create economically viable products

  • consultation and planning, including community, industry, government and research engagement

Applications close on 8 November 20201, at 5PM (ACT local time). More information and the grant application documents can be found here.


Up to $50 million grant funding for Carbon Capture and Use Hubs


Up to $5 million for microgrid pilots in regional and remote Australia