Up to $1 million co-investment for wind energy supply chain participation
The West Australian Government, in partnership with the Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre (AMGC), have launched a new co-investment program to help accelerate onshore wind energy manufacturing.
The $8 million co-investment program will seek to enhance the capacity and capability of WA businesses to participate in wind turbine manufacturing and servicing supply chains.
The program has two co-investment funding streams:
Stream A - Market Entry: Up to $30,000 on a 50:50 co-contribution basis will support pre-qualification and accreditation processes, niche software, process improvement and other eligible activities.
Stream B - Market Growth: Up to $1 million on a 50:50 contribution basis will support projects which are capacity and capability focused including capital and/or operating expenditure. Supported projects include plant and equipment enhancement (up to 25% of total project cost), research and development projects designed to create a competitive advantage, and associated investment in ‘market entry’ projects.
Eligiblity: Eligble applicants must:
Have an ACN and an ABN and be non-tax exempt
Be registered for GST
Be an Australian incorporated entity including start-ups, and a trading corporation where the principal project activities and operations are based in WA
Must be an AMGC member, minimum Guest Profile (apply to become an AMGC member here)
Applications must:
Clearly identify the level of job creation in WA expected from the project
Align project goals with wind energy supply chains in WA
Provide evidence that the applicant can complete the project and meet the costs of the project not covered by funding
Provide evidence of how the applicant will provide thier share of project costs
Priority areas include:
wind tower foundations
anchor cages
nacelle components and assembly
transmission poles and specialised trailers (transport)
capacity building for replacement parts, servicing and refurbishing centres
Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis until funding is exhausted.
For more information click here.
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