$50 million to support Solar PV Manufacturing feasibility and Engineering studies.

The ARENA Solar Sunset program (Round 1B) is offering grant funding to eligible applicants to fund studies that:

  • Lead to the development and operation of sustainable and commercial scale solar PV manufacturing facilities.

  • Support innovation and the use of advanced automation in solar PV manufacturing facilities.

  • Reduce barriers to solar PV manufacturing.

Round 1B Applications will conform to the following scope requirements Involve either a Feasibility Study or an Engineering Study on commercial scale manufacturing of solar PV technologies of at least TRL 8 and CRI 3.

It is anticipated that Capital Grants will be in the range of $1 - $5 million, making up no more than 50% of the total study budget.

Funded projects will be expected to contribute to the following outcomes:

  • Lead to the development and operation of sustainable and commercial scale solar PV manufacturing facilities.

  • Support innovation and use of advanced automation in solar PV manufacturing facilities.

  • Reduce barriers to solar PV manufacturing.


  • Applicants must hold an ABN and be an Australian entity incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

  • The Study meets the definition of either a Feasibility Study or Engineering Study and concludes consideration of a Project that addresses the Scope Requirements outline in Part 3 of the Program guidelines (here).

  • The Study applies to a site, or sites, located in Australia.

  • The Study will primarily take place in Australia.

  • ARENA may consider funding activities that occur overseas where there is a benefit to the overall Study outcomes, but will seek justification on why the activities cannot be carried out in Australia.

  • The applicant can effectively demonstrate that the Study requires ARENA funding and is not commercially viable without ARENA support.

  • Other eligibility criteria as outlined in the program guidelines.

Round 1B full applications can be submitted at any time before 12 November 2025.

Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to email solarsunshot@arena.gov.au to discuss their proposal with ARENA prior to submitting the online application.

For more information including the program guidelines, FAQ’s, and to view the online webinar click here.

Need help with your application, including an independent review and feedback, contact GrantSmart here to request an initial telephone or Teams chat.


Up to $1 million co-investment for wind energy supply chain participation


$500 million to support Solar PV Manufacturing Innovation in Australia