Grants up to $200,000 to prevent crime and support victims in WA

The $3 million Criminal Property Confiscation Grants Program offers grants up to $200,000 to eligible Western Australian not-for-profit community groups and Local Governments to deliver projects which address the impact and damage caused by criminal activities.

The funding is aimed at projects and new initiatives that:

  • prevent or reduce drug-related criminal activity and the abuse of prohibited drugs

  • implement services and other assistance to victims of crime

  • aid law enforcement through the implemtnavino of community safety and crime presentation initiatives within Western Australia

Funding will be offered on a 50:50 co-contribution basis to successful applicants. The co-contribution can consist of both cash and in-kind services, however in-kind services are limited to less than 50% of the total co-contribution.

The WA Department of Justice are conducting several grant information sessions and potential applicants can register here.

Applications must be submitted by 12pm on Wednesday 8th December, 2021. Detailed information and links to the SmartyGrants application portal can be found here.


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