Grant funding up to $15 million for community infrastructure projects
The Federal Government’s Thriving Suburbs Program provides grant funding, on a competitive basis, to support establishing community infrastructure across capital cities, suburban and peri-urban communities. This could include, for example, libraries, parks, and sporting or cultural facilities.
Grant funding between $500,000 and $5 million will be offered to successful applicants, on a cash co-contribution basis.
Eligible applicants, including incorporated not-for-profit organisations and local government agencies or bodies, are required to contribute towards the project on the following basis:
Projects run by First Nations Community Controlled Organisations will be eligible for a grant supporting up to 90% of eligible project costs.
Projects run by ‘low rate-based’ councils (listed in Appendix E, Program Guidelines) will be eligible for a grant supporting up to 70% of eligible project costs.
All remaining applicants must contribute a minimum of 50% of total eligible project costs.
The program objectives are:
Constructing or upgrading community infrastructure that fills an identified and immediate gap or unmet need, particularly for communities that have experienced substantial growth.
Contributing to achieving social outcomes and increased community cohesion, liveability and accessibility for urban, suburban, and peri-urban growth areas, fringe areas, and inner suburbs.
Strategic alignment with the Australian Government’s National Urban Policy to deliver targeted and place-based investment that promotes sustainable growth and enables communities to thrive.
Eligible projects must:
Construct new community infrastructure or expand or upgrade existing infrastructure for wider community benefits.
Not be standard capital works of other Commonwealth, state, territory or local government bodies including, but not limited to, roads, housing and essential service provision.
Not have commenced construction.
Not have received Commonwealth funding to undertake the same funded activities.
Have a minimum eligible expenditure as per the program guidelines.
Applications must be submitted by 5:00pm AEST on Monday 26 August 2024.
For more information and to access the program guidelines, templates and online application form click here.