Government grants for Victorian hazardous waste infrastructure projects

Sustainability Victoria are offering government grant funding on a co-contribution basis to support industry and local government to build the capacity, capability and resilience of Victoria’s resource recovery sector to increase local reprocessing of hazardous waste and improve the use and quality of recycled materials to make new products.

Total funding of $4.5 million is available for the current funding round, with industry required to co-contribute at least $2 for every $1 of grant funding and Local government required to co-contribute at least $1 for every $1 of grant funding.

The hazardous waste stream of funding will support infrastructure project s focused on safe management and high value recovery of low-level contaminated soils, Reportable Priority Wastes (RPW), and specific priority wastes including treated timbers, biosolids, lithium batteries and brominated and flame-retardant plastics.

Eligible organisations include industry and local government which have existing hazardous waste reprocessing, recycling or treatment facilities in Victoria or are proposing a new hazardous waste reprocessing, recycling or treatment waste facility to be located in Victoria, and have been operating for a minimum of 2 years in Australia.

Additional eligibilty criteria apply.

An Information session will be held on Thursday 29 June 2023, from 11am to 12pm AEST. Click HERE to register.

Sustainability Victoria offer investment support services including an Application Review and Advisory Service (click HERE for more information).

Applications must be submitted by 11:59pm (AEST) on Tuesday 25 July 2023.

For more information and access to the online grant application portal click HERE.


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