$100 million grant fund to support investment and diversification

The West Australian Government are offering grants and other incentives to support and encourage new investment that will create local jobs and contribute to a more diversified economy.

The program is open to Australian and foreign owned businesses wishing to establish or grow their business in WA.

Financial assistance in the form of competitive grants, on a co-funding basis, and other incentives including access to services, programs and initiatives for businesses looking to establish and grow in WA.

The Investment Attraction Fund will offer competitive grants up to $5 million will be offered to successful applicants, on a minimum 50:50 co-funding basis.

Applicants and projects are expected to be focussed on one or more of the priority sectors for strategic development in WA which include:

  • Energy

  • Tourism, events and creative industries

  • International education

  • Defence industries

  • Mining and METS

  • Space industries

  • Health and medical life sciences

  • Primary industries

The WA State Government has also idetnfieid four cross-sector activities that will improve value and productivity across multiple sectors of the economy which include:

  1. Supply chain development

  2. Advanced manufacturing

  3. Science, innovation and technology

  4. Environmental, social and governance frameworks

To be eligible applicants must:

  • Be registered, or be eligible to register, for an Australian Business Number (ABN)

  • Be a legal entity, or partnered with a legal entity, with a proven trading history for the past 3 financial years (minimum)

  • Be able to provide a business plan and evidence that supports management, technical and financial capability to undertake the grant application proposal.

Applications to the Investment Attraction Fund are made via two stage process including an Expression of Interest stage from which shortlisted applicants which demonstrate a strong alignment with the review criteria will be i invited to progress to a detailed application stage for assessment.

Expressions of Interest must be submitted within 8 weeks of EOI open (9th March 2022).

For more information and links to the Expression of Interest application click here.


$20,000 grants for WA innovators


Up to $40 million for solar PV Research and Development