$10 million to accelerate hydrogen fuelled transport in WA

The WA Government have committed $10 million in grant funding to support a successful project or projects that include the procurement and operation of hydrogen or green ammonia fuelled transport, and the installation of one or more refuelling stations.

Eligible transport operators, equipment manufacturers and hydrogen producers can submit an Expression of Interest outlining a project which can demonstrate they will:

  • aggregate demand for renewable hydrogen nd related transport products across the supply chain in WA

  • deploy HFT and HRS infrastructure in WA within a 36 month period

  • provide evidence of the viability of using hydrogen fuelled HFT in WA, and demonstrate the benefits of increasing the scale of hydrogen vehicle deployments

  • demonstrate the fossil fuel reduction benefits of HFT

  • demonstration the creation of local jobs

  • promote cost efficiencies of using renewable hydrogen for the WA transport sector

Expressions of Interest will be assessed against several criteria including:

  1. Concept details

  2. How the project will contribute to the purpose and objectives of the process

  3. Details of project partners including evidence of partnership

  4. Applicants (including partners) statement of capability and track record in the hydrogen transport sector

  5. Indicative procurement plan including local content detail

  6. indicative cost and schedule estimates for delivering the project

  7. the arrangement for funding and expected cost to government including details fo the applicants proposed cash contribution and stipulating the expenditure to which grant funds will be directed

  8. whether the project will accelerate the uptake of hydrogen fuelled vehicles, generate sufficient hydrogen demand and supply hydrogen industry development

Expressions of Interest must be submitted by 4PM (AWST) on 13 January 2022.

All information related to the EOI’s can be found here.


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