Up to $750,000 to support research related to diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

MTP Connect are calling for Expressions of Interest to apply for grants from $200,000 and up to $750,000 to support diabetes and cardiovascular research projects.

Grants will be offered to successful eligible organisations through the Targeted Translation Research Accelerator (TTRA) initiative to support eligible organisations to develop digital health, medical devices, therapeutic and/or behavioural intervention products and solutions associated with diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Eligible organisations include:

  • a medical research institute

  • a university

  • a corporate Commonwealth, state or territory government entity

  • a corporation

TTRA Research Projects Expressions of Interest must address one of the following identified priorities:

  1. Atherosclerosis, including cerebrovascular disease

  2. Cardiomyopathy and hearth failure

  3. Diabetes related obesity

  4. Mental health as it relates to diabetes

  5. Glucose control in type 1 diabetes (T1D), type 2 diabetes (T2D), double diabetes and/or gestational diabetes

Grants will be offered to successful applicants on a 50:50 co-contribution basis with project terms not exceeding 12 months. Additional cash or in-kind contributions will be viewed favourably.

Expressions of Interest (Phase 1) must articulate the challenge and solution, outline completed and/or planned technical, commercial and implementation activities, and describe the strengths of the project team.

The most meritorious EOI’s, as determined by the TTRA Selection Panel, will be invited to progress to the Consultation Phase (Phase 2).

The TTRA team are conducing a Zoom information session on Tuesday 12th October and interested parties can register here.

Expressions of Interest must be submitted by 4pm (AEDT) on 4th November 2021. Further information and access to the online application form can be found here.


$40 million Clean Technology Research and Development Grants


Grants up to $3 million for industry led collaborative projects