Up to $500,000 grant funding for agriculture traceability and sustainability reporting

The Australian Government is inviting applications from peak industry bodies, research organisations or consortiums to apply for up to $500,000 to deliver services under the National Agriculture Traceability Grants Program - Sustainability Reporting Uplift Grant from June 2023 to June 2025.

The objectives of the grant program are to:

  • Identify and test approaches to address known data gaps across the agriculture sector to support reporting against sustainability frameworks and emerging international requirements and standards

  • Identify the cor cross-commodity data points and indicators required to verify the agriculture sectors sustainability credential and quantify the potential economic frameworks

  • Facilitate information sharing and ongoing engagement across supply chains to promote transparency in response to changing consumer and market demand

Successful applicants will deliver the following outcomes:

  • Development of an action plan to uplift sustainability reporting and improve agricultural traceability driven by data

  • Collection of data and information to demonstrate sustainability and analysis of appropriate data governance that enables equitable data sharing and exchange

  • A feasibility assessment of data to report against sustainability requirements and actions to further support uptake of consistent sustainability credentials - including cross commodity approaches to support market access

The benefits expected to be delivered by the program include:

  • Identifying the best method to address known data gaps

  • Identifying the critical cross-commodity data points of indicators requiring standardisation

  • Being proactive to emerging market access requirements and consumer trends to realise value added opportunities and address export risks

  • Creating transparency in supply chains and providing ongoing evidence for market access and economic growth for farmers, regions and the broader industry

Applications close at 9pm (ACT local time) on 23rd February 2023.

For more information on the program and to access the program guidelines and online application portal click here.


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