Up to $100,000 to support entrepreneur development

The WA Government are offering grants up to $100,000 on a preferred 50:50 co-contribution basis to deliver innovator and/or investor educational programs aimed at supporting and accelerating new and emerging businesses.

The X-TEND WA Program aims to support the delivery of programs that will assist Western Australian entrepreneurs, startups, emerging businesses and SME’s to develop and increase their commercialisation capability. The program will also fund organisations that deliver programs that enhance investor education to increase confidence for investment in innovative WA projects.

The funding will support delivery of activities across:

  • Entrepreneurial education programs including business mentoring, ideation, incubator, accelerators, scallop and investor ready programs.

  • Investor education programs to educate and activate current and potential investors.

This program will be highly competitive, with only $500,000 in total funding available.

Applications close at 11am (AWST) on the 1st December 2021.

For more information on the current round, and links to the online application portal click here.


Up to $2 million for Collie projects


$9.7 million allocated to support recycling of hazardous waste