Recycling Technology grants up to $20 million: Western Australia

The State and Federal Government are working together to build the capacity, capability and resilience of Western Australia’s resource recover system and help businesses to respond to the national export ban on waste materials. The program is seeking national solutions to drive a significant increase in Australia’s recycling and recovery rates.

The Recycling Modernisation Fund in Western Australia is offering funding through two funding streams:

  1. Plastics Technology

  2. General - plastics, tyres, paper and cardboard

Funding is available for projects that target:

  • plastics in waste streams where there are very low recovery and recycling rates

  • plastic waste streams where there is currently limited infrastructure and technology solutions to support circularity in the supply chain, such as soft plastics

The West Australian government are seeking proposals using advanced technologies to deliver:

  • Processing of commercial film plastics, including linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE)

  • A commerical scale pilot for an advanced recycling facility that can process industry and/or consumer soft plastic

  • Recovery of non-hazardous plastic through e-waste processing

Applications are invited through a two stage process including:

  1. Expression of Interest summarising the proposed project and including sufficient information to ascertain the project eligibility and alignment with the objectives of the funding program and the WA Waste Avoidance and Resources Recovery Strategy 2030 (weblink). Submissions closing on 14 August 2023.

  2. Full Application - Business Case. Successful EOI applications will be invited to submit a Stage 2 application which will include a detailed proejct plan, project budget, cost benefit analysis and completed application. Closing date 18 September 2023.

For more information and links to the online application portal click HERE.


Up to $20 million for innovative plastics recycling technologies


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