NRM Community Collaboration Grants
Community Collaboration Grants up to $500,000 are being offered for community -based project that help maintain or build the capability of NRM collaborative community groups across Western Australia.
Community Collaboration Grants must:
Focus on a specific NRM target area including regenerative agriculture, biodiversity conservation, biosecurity and innovative species management and/or management plan development for more effective implantation of future works
Show collaboration between three or more groups
Be valued up to $500,000
Have a duration of no more than 36 months
Eligible Community Collaboration grant activities may include on-ground works, community capacity building or a combination of both.
Community Collaboration grants are offered through an Expression of Interest process in two stages. Stage 1 is open to any groups wishing to apply, and will need to include a concept proposal and indicative costings along with a workplace, written commitment from the partners, land access permission and concept maps of on-ground activity..
Stage two projects will be by invite only and successful applicant groups will be able to submit a more detailed application for assessment.
Stage One Expressions of Interest must be submitted by 12-noon (AWST) on Monday 5 April 2021.
Community Collaboration Grant Guidelines can be found here.