Incubator Support Funding

The Incubator Support program provides up to $250,000 in government grant funding to existing or new Australian operators of incubators so that they can help startups develop the capabilities to achieve commercial success in international markets.

The funding is designed to help incubators assist start-ups through:

  • delivering high-quality services to start-ups to improve their chances of commercial success in international markets;

  • partnering with first-generation migrant and refugee support organisations to assist migrant and refugee founders to establish their business both nationally and internationally;

  • assisting start-ups with a regional focus to expand and scale their business can apply for up to $250,000 in Government Grant Funding for them to.

Open on an ongoing basis, successful applicants located in major cities must cover 50% of the eligible costs and for accelerators based in regional areas, the matching funding requirement is 35% of total eligible costs.


Building Better Regions Fund


Research & Startup Funding