$15 million grant program to support innovative technologies to remove, reduce or offset emissions from heavy industry
The $15 million Carbon Innovation Grants Program is offering grant funding to support the capacity of the heavy industry sectors to transition to net zero emissions by 2050.
The program offers two funding streams:
Feasibility Studies: Grants up to $500,000 on a 50:50 co-funding basis will be offered to successful applicants to support technology development to progress from concept to ‘real world’ trials. Feasibility studies have a minimum funding limit of $50,000. Feasibility Studies may include:
Concept design, field and lab testing and economic analysis of process technologies that reduce emissions
Carbon capture and/or use and/or storage
Analysis of deploying new, or existing, Australian Carbon Credit Unit methods with current low market utilisation
Applying innovative approaches to existing Australian Carbon Credit Unit methods to icnrase credit volume or reduce costs
Pilot Projects / Capital Works: Grant from $100,000 and up to $1.5 million, with a 75% co-contribution, will be offered to successful applicants to support real-world testing of innovative technologies and methods, from pilot stage through to full-scale deployment. Pilot projects and Capital Works projects may include:
Trials of new technology and/or novel modiciations to industrial processes
Field trials of industrial process feedstock swapping
Field testing of carbon capture, and/or use and/or storage methods
Deploying existing and/or new Carbon Credit Unit methods with current low utilisation at pilot trial or full scale
Applying innovation to existing Australian Carbon Credit Unit methods at pilot trial or full scale to increase credit volume and/or reduce operating costs
Applications for Round 1 will clost at 2pm (AWST) on Friday 16 December 2022.
For more information and links to the online application form click here.