Victorian Energy Technologies Manufacturing
Grant funding up to $750,000 is available to eligible Victorian manufacturers, on a 75:25 co-contribution basis, to increase their capacity and capability to manufacture components for zero emissions and renewable energy supply chains.
The program offers an opportunity to local manufacturers to supply inputs for renewable energy generation, transmission, storage and transportation, including (but not limited to) wind, hydro, batteries, hydrogen and solar.
Projects may include manufacture of:
advanced materials and components for renewables and zero-emissions energy suppy
zero emissions transportation such as vehicles with electric or renwable energy sources
components for energy storage, such as batteries
Eligible applicants must have an existing presence in Victoria, and agree to conduct the proposed activities in Victoria. Other eligibility criteria apply.
Applications must be submitted by 13 December 2023.
For more information and to access the online application portal click here.
Need help preparing your grant application, or seeking an independent review and feedback of your draft application? Contact GrantSmart here.