Victorian Low Carbon Manufacturing Grant
The Victorian government are offering government grants up to $50,000 to small and medium manufacturers, and other businesses in the supply chain, to help them increase their participation in low carbon and renewable energy supply chains.
The funding is available to help applicants access business services, advice or expertise and to support activity such as technology adoption, commercialisation and/or late-stage research and development of products for local and global supply chains.
Eligible applicants must:
Be an eligible legal entity that is a small to medium business
Hold an Australian Business Number (ABN)
Be an employing business registered for WorkCover insurance with WorkSafe Victoria
Agree to meet cash co-contribution requirements
Be currently engaged in manufacturing or the manufacturing supply chain or demonstrate a genuine commercial connection to the manufacturing supply chain in Victoria
Conduct the proposed activities in Victoria
Meet all industrial relations obligations
Applications close on Friday, 20 January 2023.
For more information and links to the online application form click HERE.