Up to $7 million government grants for critical health and medical research infrastructure

The Australian Government MRFF National Critical Research Infrastructure grant program offers grant funding up to $7 million to successful, eligible applicants to help establish and extend infrastructure of critical importance, that will be used to conduct world-class health and medical research in areas of unmet medical need.

The funding is delivered across four funding streams including:

Stream 1 - Innovation enablers: Addresses an area of unmet medical need by promoting the development and implementation of new research infrastructure by supporting development and/or expansion of research enablers such as biobanks, tissue repositories, novel research platforms, and secure health data environments to create valuable research resources. Grant funding up to $3 million supporting up to 100% of eligible project costs.

Stream 2 - Digitisation of health care: Developing and translating into practice digital therapeutics, artificial intelligence enabled health interventions and technologies (e.g. wearables integrated into clinical practice), applications or other software for use in clinical practice. Grant funding up to $3 million supporting up to 100% of eligible project costs.

Stream 3 - Co-investment partnerships: Grant funding up to $7 million to support a maximum of 66% of eligible project costs. Incentivising co-investment (cash only) partnerships between with the research sector / academia, state and/or territory governments, and industry, in significant critical research infrastructure (e.g. facilities, personnel and equipment):

  • To support development of research capacity, capability and/or effectiveness in an area of unmet medical need, or

  • To enable Australian research using new platforms, systems and services in an area of unmet medical need.

Stream 3 applicants must include at least one academic organisation and at least one other organisation which may be industry or state/territory government, and contribute at least 34% of the project costs in cash.

Stream 4 - mRNA technology enablers: Leveraging and enhancing emerging mRNA technologies, platforms, and/or equipment to accelerate development of mRNA-based vaccines and therapeutics in an area of unmet medical need. Grant funding up to $4 million supporting up to 100% of eligible project costs.

More information on the eligible activities and expenditure for each of the program funding streams can be found in the program guidelines (download here).

Eligible applicants must:

  • Have an Australian Business Number (ABN)

  • Be incorporated in Australia

  • In accordance with s24 of the MRFF Act 2015 be one of the following entities:

  • a medical research institute

  • a university

  • a corporate Commonwealth entity

  • a corporation (including businesses and not for profits)

Joint applications are encouraged.

Additional eligibility requirements are outlined in section 3.3 of the program guidelines.

Applications must be submitted by 5:00pm AEDT on Monday 31st March 2025.

For more information on this program, and to access the online application form click here.

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Up to $3 million grant funding for industry led research innovation collaborations