Up to $50,000 to support Startups and SMEs Research and Development
The Australian CSIRO Kick-Start program supports innovative Australian start-ups and small SME’s to overcome barriers associated with R&D activities by providing an end-to-end facilitation service including:
help with articulating your research question
connecting businesses with relevant CSIRO research expertise and capability
matched funding support to improve the affordability or expand the scope of R&D
Eligible applicants can access up to two vouchers, each between $10,000 and $50,000, on a 50:50 co-contribution basis.
Eligible applicants must:
have an Australian Company Number (ACN)
be registered for GST
have their primary place of business within Australia
demonstrate the ability to dollar-match the funding
have an annual turnover of less than $1.5 million in the current and each of the two previous financial years
have been a registered company for less than three years
The program aims to support eligible Australian start-ups and small SME’s to enable their business to:
research a new idea with commercial potential
develop a novel or improved product or process
test a novel product or material
Funding can be used towards:
researcher salary + on-costs
travel and accommodation
administrative / overhead costs
external facilities access / services / contractor costs
Applications are accepeted on an ongoing basis.
For more information and access to the online application portal click here.