Grant funding up to $5 million for methane emissions reduction research

The Resources Methane Abatement fund is offering grants from between $1 million and $5 million to eligible organisations to undertake development, prototype verification and validation, and demonstration level projects to support development of cost effective technology options to mitigate methane emissions from the resources sector.

Funding will support eligible organisations, including universities, publicly funded research organisations and non-profit research organisations, to:

  • Accelerate the development and deployment of methane abatement technologies

  • Reduce costs of abatement technologies

  • Reduce Australia’s methane emissions

  • Complement the Safeguard Mechanism reforms

  • Support the Government’s commitments to the Global Methane Pledge

Intended program outcomes are to:

  • Increase the TRL of priority methane abatement technologies in the coal and gas sector

  • Promote methane abatement opportunities for the resources sector

  • Accelerate deployment of abatement technologies

  • Support opportunities for First Nations researchers to be involved in technology development

Applications must be submitted by 5pm (ACT local time) 16 August 2023.

For more information and to access the online application form click HERE.


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