Grant funding up to $3 million to upgrade remote airstrips
The Remote Airstrip Upgrade Program provides funding up to $3 million, on a 50:50 co-contribution basis, to enhance the safety and accessibility of aerodrome facilities in remote areas of Australia.
The aim of the funding is to provide year-round, all-weather access and improve delivery of essential goods and services.
Grant funding can be used for:
works to improve all weather capabiltiy of the aerodrome and aircraft safety
works to enhance aerodrome safety for aircraft operations
works to better enable night-time operations
other activities may also be approved
Eligible entities must:
Have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
Be an owner and/or operator of an existing aerodrome in an area classified as remote or very remote in Australia
Applicants must also be one of the following:
An entity incorproated in Australia
An Australian local government agency body
An Australian state or territory government agency or body
A corporate Commonwealth entity
A registered Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation
Applicatinos close on Friday 15 December 2023 at 5.00pm AEDT.
For more information and to access the online application portal click here.