Grant funding to help Australian businesses grow exports
Australian SME’s seeking to enter or expand export markets, can apply for one of three different grants under the Export Market Development Grant (EMDG)program to help market and promote their goods and services exports in international markets.
Tier 1 to Export: New exporters
Tier 2 Expanding: Expanding export promotion activiites
Tier 3 Expanding and strategic shift: Expanding export promotion activities and making a strategic shift such as targeting a new market in a new country
Eligible applicants must:
have a turnover of less than $20 million for the financial year before the financial year in which the application is made
be an Australian person within the meaning of the EMDG rules
have an Australian Business Number
product must be substantially of Australian origin
Export Market Development Grant funds must be used for promotional activities to market eligible products in foreign countries, or for training activities to develop your marketing skills.
Applicants can apply for EMDG funding for up to 8 times,, but not necessarily in consecutive years.
Applications are no open for Round 3 of the EMDG and must be submitted by 4pm (AEST), Friday 14 April 2023.
For more information click here.