Closing Soon: Government Grant up to $4M for WA clean energy projects

Closing Date Extended to 24 June 2024.

The Western Australian Government Clean Energy Future Fund is seeking to support innovative clean energy projects in Western Australia that offer high public value.

Successful applicants will be offered up to $4 million in grant funding on a co-contribution basis, with applicants contributing at least 75% of total eligible project costs. The maximum project time frame is 5 years.

Projects are expected to contribute to one or more of the following outcomes:

  • Significant, cost-effective reduction in greenhouse gas emissions below projected (or baseline) emissions as a direct result of the clean energy project.

  • Design, deployment, testing, or demonstration of innovative clean energy projects likely to deliver community benefits, or lead to broad adoption and significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

The following priorities identify areas of strategic importance to Western Australia.

  • Clean energy projects led by First Nations people that put their communities at the centre of development, design, implementation, and benefit-sharing.

  • Innovative clean energy projects in regional and remote Western Australia - projects that are at the fringe of, or are not connected to, the South West Interconnected System or the North West Interconnected System.

  • Clean energy projects that improve the security and resilience of networked electricity supply in line with the Distributed Energy Resources Roadmap.

  • Clean energy projects that support decarbonisation of existing industry and the development of new, low emissions industries in Western Australia.

  • Projects that enhance energy efficiency and materially reduce emissions from the built environment or manufacturing.

  • Clean energy projects that support the replacement of diesel electricity generation with renewable energy.

  • Projects that can deliver long-duration energy storage by 2030.

The extent to which a proposal aligns with the Ministerial priorities will be assessed and included in recommendations to guide funding decisions, however it is not mandatory for projects to align with the priorities to be recommended for funding.

Eligible applicants must hold an ABN and be GST registered and be one of the following entities:

  • An Australian incorporated entity.

  • Local government .

  • Government research organisation.

  • University.

  • A consortium with an eligible entity as the lead applicant.

Eligible costs may include:

  • Capital costs

  • Enabling equipment including batteries, and other forms of energy storage.

  • Essential non-equipment expenditure e.g. design, professional services, transport, installation etc. to support attainment of a project objective or milestone.

  • Project management and grant administration costs.

To access the program guidelines click here.

For more information and to access the online application form click here.


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