$400 million Qantas Climate Fund

The Qantas Climate Fund aims to invest in the development of scalable solutions to help the aviation industry meet net zero targets and reduce its impact on the planet.

Investment priorities include:

  • Sustainable aviation fuel and secure access at Australian and strategic international ports

  • Nature based solutions - secure access to high-integrity carbon offset with biodiversity and social benefits

  • Carbon removal technology for sustainable aviation fuel and offsets

  • Opertional efficiency and waste solutions

The fund aims to support catalysing and scaling of solutions that support the investment priorities through:

  • Direct investment in technologies and projects,

  • Investment in managed funds with a clear nexus to the Fund targets, and

  • Research and development partnerships.

To register your Expression of Interest in the Qantas Climate Fund click here.


Victorian Energy Technologies Manufacturing


Grant funding up to $250,000 for Victorian manufacturers